"The love of a true mother comes nearer to being like the love of God than any other kind of love."

Thursday, August 4, 2011

In memory of our son.....

We would love to include you all in the celebration of our sweet little boy's life, so we invite you to help us make another little baby's life better. Mike and I are asking that if you are close to us and would like to show us some love and support on this day, then please donate the gift that you would have given Michael to a local non-profit organization, called Mother to Mother. They help new families in Nashville provide some of the basic essentials for their newborns if they are unable to. There is also an option to make a monetary donation via PayPal if you are not in the area.

If not, then just take a picture of something that reminds you of Michael and post it here. We are planning a quite day, just the 2 of us together. After purchasing some things that we would have liked to have gotten for Michael, we will tag the gifts with a small "In loving memory of MFL,II" sticker and take them to the Mother to Mother office.

If you want to donate an actual gift, but live far away, you can have things sent to our home and we will take them to the Mother to Mother office on Michael's birthday (Aug. 12th) with all of the other stuff we plan to take. Our address is 1712 Ordway Place Nashville TN 37206

For those of you who have growing little ones, we can take gently used clothing and other baby items if you have some that you would like to donate. If you are in the area, Mike and I will be available to pick these items up from your home or office if it would help you get your donations to the Mother to Mother office and families. Contact me and we can set up a pickup place and time that is convenient for you.

Here is a link for more information about the Mother to Mother program..


And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” Luke 23:43

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